Your Guide to Making New Year’s Resolutions

I’m all about New Years’s resolutions. I love them. I know there are mixed feelings about making resolutions, though. As my 21 year old sister-in-law said, “I don’t need a New Year to make a change in my life”. She’s absolutely right. Personally, resolutions allow me to readjust my focus on the things that matter to me. The new year literally marks the beginning of a new time. Hopefully, we are all striving towards bettering ourselves, learning from our mistakes and moving forward with new insight. But also, ever wonder why you hate making New Year’s resolutions or why you can’t stick with them? Maybe it’s really not you, it’s them. This post lays out the ways to make better New Year’s resolutions. Follow my five simple rules. Thank me in 2019.

Create S.M.A.R.T. Resolutions

One of the biggest mistakes with making New Year’s resolutions is the resolution itself. People often set goals for themselves that are just too unrealistic or will set the same goals every year but will not do anything differently (P.S – that’s the definition of insanity). This year, try setting a SMART resolution- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based. An example of a SMART resolution would be:

This year, I will lose 15 pounds by going to spin class two times per  week.

This is both specific and measurable in that the main action in this resolution is to lose 15 pounds. Next, ask yourself if this is attainable. For example, if you don’t have access to a spin studio or cannot afford a membership, it’s going to be pretty difficult for you to achieve this goal (re: not attainable). Be sure to write out ways in which you will achieve this goal. This may require multiple baby steps. The more detailed, the better. For our example, steps to achieving the resolution may include buying a spin class membership, booking classes and laying out clothes for the week on Sundays, maybe even scouting out local spin studios before vacations or out-of-town trips. Next, make sure your resolution is realistic. Being realistic refers to the number of pounds aiming to be lost in this example. Honestly, what’s considered realistic will vary among individuals. If you hate spin classes and absolutely dread taking them, realistically are you going to be able to attend two classes/week? No. Similarly, if you’re only 5’2″, weight 100 pounds and you want to lose 15 pounds, that’s not very realistic at all. If you’re unsure as to what a realistic amount of weight loss is for you, get in touch with me!  Lastly, your resolutions should be time-based. How many times a week will you perform the action? How long before this resolution is considered complete? Follow these steps when creating resolutions and see if you don’t get farther along with achieving your goals than previous years.

Write it out

Whether or not this one is obvious, it warrants its own section. Writing out your resolutions will make it that much more real. Once your goals are written, you can now refer back to this document at any time. I may be a little biased as I love writing out lists. Still, do it. It’s helpful and you won’t forget them if you have them written down. Not only is it important to write out your resolutions, but it is also important to write the plan out. Write out exactly how you will accomplish your resolutions and set baby milestones that will lead you to fulfilling your ultimate goal. Also, I like to share my goals with people, so if I write them out and send them to friends, it holds me accountable to completing them.

Reassess frequently

This one is important. Following up with your resolutions will help you stay on track and reveal where any necessary changes need to be made to help you continue towards success. Say, after 2 months, two spin classes/week is not enough for you and you are wanting more. Bump it up to three times/week. If you’re struggling to keep up with one class/week, decrease your frequency to once weekly. Keep a detailed record of your progress throughout your year so you are able to see what obstacles are keeping you from achieving your goals.

Root for the home team

Cheer yourself on! A few years ago, I created a vision board by cutting out inspiring images and quotes from magazines, and pasting them on a poster board. Everything I want to achieve in my life is on my vision board, ranging from fitness or character goals, to career goals. I add to this vision board frequently throughout the year and keep it hanging in a very visible area. My vision board not only reminds me of my resolutions or my goals, but it inspires me to continue working towards them. Sometimes, you just have to be your own cheerleader.

Don’t give up

A surefire way to sabotage your success is by giving up. Reassessing frequently will ensure that you refocus instead of giving up. My favorite quote to keep me going when things are difficult: Learn to take a break, not to give up. *Pro tip – save the sheet you on which you wrote your resolutions. My favorite thing to do is look back at the end of the year and see just how far I’ve come. Change is good, guys. Let’s embrace it.

Download and print my free New Year’s Resolution Planner  and get started on making yours immediately! 2018 will be your best year yet!


The Nutty RD

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